“As you choose to stay still and become silent, you will begin to hear the voice of your creator, rising above the waves, coming across the valleys and mountaintops, piercing the highest and deepest clouds and ultimately, reaching your heart.”




Daniele Schmechel approaches the art of writing as a painter approaches a canvas. More than just snapshots from moments past, her words take you by the hand and lead you unto an unfamiliar and often extraordinary path.

Her literary style is definitely French. At first, her words appear deceptively simple but on further study, they reveal Daniele’s careful and prayerful attention to details. She chooses from a rich palette of words, patterns and colors to produce sentences and images that are intensely lyrical and harmonious. Her words dance across each page of her book Across the Clouds.

Her passion for God led her to embark on a lifelong ministry of healing and interdenominational teaching and counseling, guiding men and women into the heart and the love of God.

Daniele no longer climbs snow capped mountains, but loves to hike, kayak, play games with her six grandchildren and take long walks in her beloved mountains with Lilly, her Great Pyrenees dog.

God continues to use her to adorn and decorate people’s lives and hearts through her writing, her photography and her contagious smile.


 “God chooses, at times, to appear irrational and thus, confound the wise! He not always gives us what we want but He often gives us what we need!”