"Reading your book felt like a trip back in time for me. I laughed, I cried, and went through every range of emotions and it was wonderful. Thank you for sharing your life with us."



“This book is captivating from page one! It is a true story of life experiences, a remarkable love story, and a strong belief in God and His guidance and mercy to carry us through the good and the bad…and the power of the Holy Spirit as we open our minds and our souls. Could not stop reading until finished!

The author bares her life and tells many things we can all relate to. There are worries and wonders and miracles verified by her husband, a renowned neurologist.People to whom I have given the book as gifts have loved it as well. It gives us all hope and enables us to put things into perspective. I reread it and use it as a reference book for daily inspiration. And as if that was not enough, the author has a website with beautiful photographs and a blog of continuing reflections and inspirational readings.
No better gift to yourself and others than this book!”

Marlene DePrett

“Isn’t it funny how you think you know a person but you don’t know them at all! That was the feeling I got when I read “Across The Clouds”! This is the story of love, confusion, hurt, victory and back to love again. Daniele proves that the power of the Holy Spirit can overcome adversity, triumph over hurt and loss and restore an empty vessel when it is thought that all is lost.

I loved her book. I love her and her wonderful husband. I am so glad that the Lord brought Daniele into my life.
To think of how many she helped and the love of Jesus she gave to others is so profound.
The reason it is so profound? I go back to my opening statement, “Isn’t it funny how you think you know a person but you don’t know them at all…!”

Amazon Customer

“Wow! Unlike the average read, when you open this book it begins to read you! Although I have read this book more than once, the inspirational thoughts gained from this read, have reminded me that I too can love more, be happier and against all odds, I too can have a happily ever-after…! All-in-all, explore this little book and see how how you will be touched in heavenly ways too.”

Bill Golden

“Daniele’s book is a classic already! Like the great myths, there is a hero with almost supernatural powers who goes through the dark night of the soul to triumph and find the light. It contains iconic archetypes such as the hero, scientist, patriarch and jester. The story is told with a dry European wit that keeps us amused and engaged. Each word is carefully chosen for maximum effect like a poem from one of the great masters.
Comparable authors come to mind such as:

Alice Walker – The Color Purple
Elizabeth Gilbert – Eat, Pray and Love
Maya Angelou – I Know Why the Caged Birds Sing

Across the Clouds speak directly to our souls and reminds us of our own hero’s saga. We do not grow and stretch and learn when things go right. Pain is our greatest teacher if we only listen. Daniel’s book teaches us to be still and listen for the quiet soft voice of God. Everyone who touches this story will benefit. I cannot wait to see how it unfolds and takes a life of its own! Thank you for including us on the ride.”

Donna K. Rhodes
RR Donnelley

“It is a wonderful life story that so many of us can relate to. God never leaves our side even when we think He has! I am calling our local newspaper, the Charlotte Observer and suggest your book for an editorial review…”

Helen Griffin-Byrd

“I read your book with great pleasure. It's spirited tempo and narrative flow, enlivened with vivid portraits and challenging adventures, capture the energy, resilience and the quest of the author for deeper meaning. In doing so, they captivate the reader’s interest.”

Columbia, South Carolina

“CS Lewis said he never owned a good book that he only read once… I loved “Across the Clouds” and passed it on to my wife who read it, or should I say, devoured it! I have read portions of Daniele’s book over and over again to myself and to my friends…

Miracles have always been fascinating! When something happens that cannot be explained, it is called a MIRACLE and God’s miracles never get old! Neither does Daniele’s miraculous story of survival! A journey told that cannot be put down…

Undaunted by the threat of political correctness, or the skepticism of the rational thinker. I loved reading “Across the Clouds”, but loved even more Daniele having the boldness to tell the story of God’s miraculous interventions in her life, regardless of what anybody else may think or say. Her story caused me to realize my own miraculous survival of coming to know God’s redeeming love…

Thank you for telling your story. I will always treasure it as a great gift from you and from my God.”

Ken Helser
A Place for the Heart Ministries
Sophia, North Carolina

“I just wanted to let you know that I read your book over the weekend and loved every page. Reading your book felt like a trip back in time for me. I laughed, I cried, and went through every range of emotions and it was wonderful. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I am passing your book along to my family and my good friends! I feel as though I already know you and that we are already friends of the heart.”

T.S., South Carolina

Thank you. Dear Daniele, for writing Across the Clouds.

I learned of your book and your website on December 8. Although I immediately visited your website and read your blog posts, I kept putting off ordering your book until last Thursday! Much to my surprise, it arrived in the mail on Saturday. I did not even remove its plastic wrap until yesterday morning. I began reading it with my morning coffee. Yesterday was busy and somewhat hectic, but I read a few more chapters while eating my lunch! After cleaning up the kitchen last night after supper, I finished reading your amazing book and felt a peace that I cannot explain to you. As you say over and over again in your book, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”

You are truly a gifted writer, but many people must have surely told you so. I wish that I were able to express myself as eloquently as you are able to write… I took the liberty of addressing you by your first name because you have shared your story with your readers as though we are friends! You are so brave to put it into words what so many folks, especially women, have experienced in marriage, in their faith, in family relationships and in career decisions. All of us experience doubt, insecurity, “failure to thrive” as some physicians have coined the phrase.

I just kept reading chapter after chapter describing how you have been able to thrive through some of the most unique and sometimes heartbreaking realities of your life. Hearing you remind me that God was there even in the midst of your despair touched my heart in a profound way and I needed to hear that message!
Thank you again, Daniele, for writing about the tough stuff. So many authors write using platitudes to make you feel “good” without delving into what it really feels like to feel alone, ashamed or “different” or separated from God and even from family.

I felt the entire time, as I was reading your book, as if I we were sitting in an outdoor café in France, enjoying coffee and people watching (as only the French can do) while we chatted about our families…
I will close my letter with the southern benediction that you have probably heard daily since moving to the South,

Bless your heart,

Carol Tyler


 “It is a wonderful life story that so many of us can relate to. God never leaves our side even when we think He has!"